Steam My Face? Heat My Lashes? Panasonic's Beauty Tools Made Me Do It!

I've mentioned before in my previous post that this year's Singapore Blog Awards has been quite the eye opener for me - and it doesn't seem to stop! After my epic journey with a hair dryer and a hair straightener/curler, I now get the chance to get up close and personal with a heated eyelash curler and a face steamer! And these touch your face and skin so much closer than hair tools do!

Panasonic Eyelash Curler Face Steamer

So you may be wondering, what exactly are these strange products? The eyelash curler is the Panasonic Eyelash Curler EH-SE60 VP (for those who want to know the model number) and Panasonic Face Steamer EH-SA31 VP. I think the VP in both product names is a colour code for the pink versions of the equipment, but I'm not sure what it stands for (very pink, perhaps?). In any case, this is the first time EVER I'm using an eyelash curler, as well as a face steamer, so I was a little bit worried when I first tried these - I was so scared that I would burn my eyelashes off, or else just scald my face! Fortunately all turned out well and I lived to tell the tale.
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Steam My Face? Heat My Lashes? Panasonic's Beauty Tools Made Me Do It!
Steam My Face? Heat My Lashes? Panasonic's Beauty Tools Made Me Do It!
Reviewed by Unknown
Published :
Rating : 4.5