As he's rather new, we are still trying to settle him in, and get him used to the sights, sounds, and smells of our home. He likes: lounging around in his pen (the cage we built for him was modeled on the cages recommended on this website), although we let him run round the yard too (he does try to go out of the yard and into the living and dining areas!
He also likes eating his Timothy hay and pellets, and fruits and veggies. He's quite picky about the hay. If it's all stems and no leaves or flowers (whatever do you call the blooming, flower-looking stuff on hay?), he's less likely to eat it.
He also likes being petted, and also being spoiled. Here he is having his first taste of papaya. We don't give him that too often because it's rather soft and mushy, but it's got lots of vitamin C, which is good for him since guinea pigs can't synthesize their own vitamin C and thus require vitamin C supplements. Fortunately, he likes to take his supplements (we get vitamin C tablets), so that's good.
Blondie is so cute! He has all these little cute mannerisms that make him adorable - the way he scampers around, the way he eats his food, the way he looks when he's curious, and the way he drinks his water. Everything about him is adorable! I mean, how can you not find that face cute?!
Anyway, I'm absolutely happy that Blondie has found his way into our lives! This is still a beauty blog, of course, but be prepared for potential Blondie posts in future! (I've already been Blondie-instagramming!)
Welcome Blondie the Guinea Pig to Our Family!

Reviewed by Unknown
Published :
Rating : 4.5
Published :
Rating : 4.5