Hi everyone! If you follow this blog a little more often, you'll notice I've not been updating for the past week or so (feels like forever doesn't it?). This is not because I'm no longer blogging (heaven forbid I stop sharing my crappy NOTDs and product swatches with you, eh?) but because the past couple of weeks have been crazy-balls for me, having had to prepare for an opening ceremony, internal reviews at work, and an overseas working trip, and portfolio changes, in addition to the daily grind. But hey, sometmies real life gets in the way of stuff I do online.
So, I haven't been blogging for the last week, because I was overseas in Japan for work (if you follow me on Instagram - I'm Musicalhouses there too - you'll be seeing pics of the stuff I've been eating over there!) and I just couldn't find the time to blog during the trip. So I just ended not blogging. Normally if it's a planned leave away from my blog, I will try to schedule at least a couple of posts in advance, but as things stand, I couldn't even find the time to do that.
Fortunately, I'm back now, so if all goes well you'll see this blog up and running and posting normally again in 1-2 weeks (another eternity in blogosphere time). I'll see how it goes. I want to get this up earlier - I have so many posts and photos ready to go, I just need to find the time to actually sit down at my computer for a couple of hours.
I don't know about you other bloggers or working ladies out there, but for me, it's always a challenge balancing between blog, work, and my non-online life (because contrary to popular belief, I actually have - gasp - friends whose faces I see in real life! OMG!). I work on weekdays, blog on weekends, and while it's my choice to spend my time this way, it's still tiring. Right now, I manage by squeezing all my blogging activity into the free spaces I have on weekends (when I'm not busy with family/friends/work), and I do work hard on weekends to schedule as many posts as is necessary to tide me through the week, so that when Monday comes around, I don't have to worry about blog, and I just focus on work. It's worked so far, but sometimes, I barely make it through the week with just enough posts. And sometimes, like last week, I can't make it.
Anyway, so much for that ranting. I don't normally talk about my personal life/work/whatever else on the blog, because I want to delineate clearly the boundaries between personal life, work life, and blog life, but I just felt that after a week's absence on the blog, it would be nice of me to say something to you guys about why I wasn't around. (If you were following me on Twitter/Instagram you'd have seen my I'm-away-overseas messages, but not everyone does.) In anycase, I'm glad to be back, and I look forward to catching up with all you guys!
I'm Not Dead! I Was Just On A Work Trip!

Reviewed by Unknown
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Rating : 4.5
Published :
Rating : 4.5