Unfortunately, I don't have any awesome New Year's NOTD to show you as I was travelling right up to New Year's Eve, so how about a normal NOTD instead? This colour is pretty darn awesome, though. I bought this Boots No 7 Stay Perfect Nail Polish in Totally Teal from my local Boots awhile back using one of those £5 coupons they were giving out every now and then. (This was when I was still living in London, so it was awhile back.) I was looking at the Stay Perfect Nail Polishes, and out of all the boring pinks and beiges, I spied this shade. It was a beautiful teal creme, so I quickly brought it home with me.
I actually quite like Totally Teal. I don't actually have anything in my stash like this, and it's easy to apply and has a nice smooth finish. I also love the deep shade of teal - it's neither too blue nor green, but just perfect in the middle. All in all, a great little buy.